Monday, January 10, 2011

I'm really good at this...

So technically I've only missed one day, and that day was the Sabbath. Maybe I can pretend like I was just trying to keep the sabbath day holy...

Okay, write for five minutes. What do I have to write about? Well, I just put down Shakespeare's Measure for Measure, which is this really awful book about sex and prostitution and immorality. I wouldn't be reading it if it weren't for the fact that it is assigned for my Classic World Lit class. Yeah, I know. THIS IS BYU, PEOPLE. I would hope that in the least we wouldn't have to read such lewd and disgusting things. But, you know, it's Shakespeare, which must mean that it's good, right? ...Right? WRONG.

Recently I've been not liking Shakespeare so much. I mean, what's so amazing about the dude anyway? I mean, yeah, he wrote a bunch of stuff, but he borrowed ideas a ton and resorted to rude humor a lot. Bah, humbug.

Okay, two more minutes. Eventually this is going to get easy, but I'm so out of practice. It's like these rush writes I did last semester for my First Year Writing class. We had to sit there and keep writing for the whole time, not stopping, just to see what we could come up with.

One minute. Final thoughts time. Honestly, the biggest thing on my mind is love right now, but that's not new. One of the biggest parts of my life right now is my wonderful, fantastic, amazing boyfriend who is also my best friend. There is much happiness to be found when you combine BFF closeness and romance.

Time's up! I'll see you tomorrow, dear blog.

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