Monday, November 1, 2010

A Confession

Okay, okay, so I'm an awful blogger. I think my problem was is that I started too specific. I simply don't have the time to document my cooking adventures, let alone have cooking adventures. So I'm shifting gears here and using this little slice of the interwebs to track my NaNoWriMo progress.

What's this? You don't know what NaNo is? It's short for National Novel Writing Month. Basically I'm going to try and write a 50,000 word novel in 30 days. That's 1666.66666666666 words a day. I've been attempting this for several years, but I've never actually done it. But hey, watch out world, this time Swens has moxie and gumption!

Plus, I have a half-way decent story idea, and hopefully a lot of inspiration. What I really need is a plot, but for now I'm just planning on hashing out some word barf and seeing what happens.

Wish me luck! I'll probably post my progress so you can come on this journey with me through bad writing and good writing. Just give me a second to grit my teeth and force out those first 1667 words.

Happy November!

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